Positive Thinking

Make A Resolution To Change Your Life Today

By on January 1, 2018


There is something about New Year Resolutions that I am not completely fond of. Maybe it is because it sounds cliché or because realistically speaking, those resolutions don’t last more than just a couple of weeks… (And I think I am being generous hahaha).

I think I like more the idea of every day resolutions, don’t you think? After all, each day is indeed a new opportunity for us to grow, to accomplish something new and do better in our lives.

I know there are probably a million goals you would like to accomplish but if you don’t mind I have a few to share. I think they could make life more enjoyable, profound and happier.


I strongly believe that a healthy you, equals a happier you. And when I refer to health, I don’t only refer to physical health but also mental health.

If you haven’t started, try to eat as natural as possible. Increase your intake of water, fruits and vegetables. They are so delicious and healthy for you. If you find it to be a difficult task all at once, set little goals every day to begin with but START!

Let your body heal with the right foods. I promise that you will feel better about yourself. You will have an immense increase of energy that will allow you to accomplish many tasks no matter how old you are! Age is JUST a number. Love yourself by taking good care of your body and mind.


We live in times where courtesy and being considerate for the needs of others is fading rapidly. This shouldn’t have to be the case; we can become the change we want to see in others.

Being thoughtful isn’t only about being polite and respectful with the people we work with every day. But also our own families: Siblings, parents, children, spouses, grandchildren. Charity starts at home.

Being thoughtful is taking the time to know each person individually and their needs. It means to be genuinely caring, and being concerned for what others are going through. It also means to be willing to listen to the problems of someone even when you don’t have all the answers.

Being willing to listen without passing judgment in issues where there isn’t an answer that can please everyone.

Thoughtful individuals understand and connect with others on a spiritual/human level knowing that each one of us is needed and each one of us is imperfect. There is an extraordinary level of altruism in thoughtful people, who are willing and focus on giving of their time and talents for the good of mankind. And less preoccupied about what they can get in return.

Make an effort to be more thoughtful in 2018. You’ll be surprised how genuinely caring you truly are and you’ll be surprised at how others will react when a little thoughtful kindness is shown to them.



These two words are short and yet very powerful. We live in a world that tells us that in order to be happy and content we need to buy certain things. In order to make ourselves happy and part of the cool crowd, we must have the latest phone, the best house, have the trendiest clothes and think like “everyone else does”. Anything out of this parameter will be mocked and ridiculed.

So we move around our lives seeing more and more people all around us who seem to have come out from the same factory. Everyone is dressed the same, using the same gadgets, talking about the same apps and thinking alike about the same issues.

A lot of us live a double-life. The one we want others to see and the one we truly live. The one we want others to see is the one that we think will make us appealing and accepted. The thought that people might dislike us for being different terrify us. After all, our whole life is based on how others perceive us. It is a very exhausting thing to keep up and a dangerous game full of regrets.

So we fool ourselves thinking that people likes us for who we are when in fact they like what we pretend to be.


Being different is one of the best things that can happen to you. Celebrate it and embrace it. Life is way too short for being nothing else but the true you. I always say, the right people will always come around and the fakes will pass quickly.

You can become an amazing influence in others by being honest with yourself and by letting others see who you truly are. They might like it or dislike it but that’s their choice and it has nothing to do with you. You can only control your own choices and be honest with yourself.

Being fake will not bring true happiness, it never does so choose to be YOU for 2018 and let that weight off your shoulders.

I know 2018 will be an amazing year for you! Keep your head up and don’t forget to include these goals in your everyday resolutions. Also let me know in your comments below what do you have in mind for the New Year. 🙂



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Maria Borde

Hello there! I am Maria, a down to earth Vegan and health-enthusiast, living a simple life in a Caribbean island. :) I love to share with others my passion for health, wellness and positive thinking. Please check my "About Me" page for more info. Can't wait to meet you! :)

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